Nutritional values of curry leaves

by - Saturday, December 31, 2022

  • Curry leaves are rich in carbohydrates,proteins,fibre,calcium,phosphorus,iron and other minerals
  • Curry leaves also contains vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B,vitamin C,vitamin E etc.
  • Curry leaves protect us from oxidative damage, preventing diseases of the nervous system,cardiovascular system,kindneys etc
  • Curry leaves helps to protect our bodies from different types of cancers.
  • Curry leaves helps in protecting us from heart diseases.
  • Consumption of curry leaves also decreases cholesterol levels.
  • Curry leaves are rich in fibre which slows down digestion,thus preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels in our blood.
  • Curry leaves can be consumed in the form of a paste or the juice of the leaves .
  • Curry leaves tea is more beneficial for pregnant women to help with their morning sickness.
  • Consumption of curry leaves will protect our liver from damage caused due to oxidative stress.
  • Curry leaves will also help to control hair fall 
  • When curry leaves boiled with coconut oil makes an excellent hair tonic to prevents greying and stimulates hair growth.
  • This tonic also helpful in preventing dandruff and dry scalp.
  • Curry leaves is more important in improving iron levels in the body because it contains rich iron and folic acid in it.
  • Curry leaves are beneficial for our eyes also because it contains vitamin A in this.
  • Consumption of curry leaves will helpful on soothing mild burns,bruises and eruptions on the skin.They also protect our skin from infections.
  • Curry leaves also helps in maintaining cholesterol levels in our body
This leaves act as a detoxifying agent, removing toxins from our body and preventing the accumulation of fat.

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