The reason Hanuman stayed in Ayodhya

by - Wednesday, December 28, 2022


          After killing Ravana in Lanka, Rama returned to Ayodhya with all his followers. With the arrival of Bharata, Shatragna, who ruled the kingdom till then with the shoes of Rama, the kingdom was handed over to Rama. Ram was crowned in a grand manner.

         Sri Ramapattabhishekam was celebrated and celebrated for many days. After that they went one by one. Rama expressed his gratitude to everyone, honored them appropriately and departed. When Bharata came along, Janaka Maharaj and Kekayama left after Lakshmana. On the invitation of Bharata, Kasiraju Praratthan and other kings also went back to their respective countries.

       The monkeys and demons who came with Rama stayed comfortably in Ayodhya for two months and they also left. Rama honored Sugriva, Angada and Hanuman who had helped him in the war. The last of the monkeys is Hanuman. While leaving, Hanuman asked Rama, "Lord! Forgive my request. Bless me to always be your devotee and measure you. He wanted mercy on me so that I may live as long as the recitation of Rama Katha continues.

    When Hanuman requested this, Rama took him close and touched him affectionately. Hanuma! As long as people are reciting our song, may your fame continue to spread. May you prosper eternally as long as this creation, the world, exists,” blessed Rama. If Hanuman is grieving because he does not want to leave him, Rama said, stay with him.

   Hanuman was happy in Ayodhya after hearing Rama's words. Then he honored Vibhishana and his demons. They all left and went to Kishkindha and Lanka. In Ayodhya, there was joy everywhere.

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