5 amazing tips for indigestion problem..!

by - Monday, January 09, 2023

 Indigestion is caused by increased acid levels in the stomach. Also due to many reasons like overeating, consuming too much meat, eating food without cooking it, most of us have indigestion problem from time to time. But by following the tips mentioned below, you can get rid of the problem of indigestion. Those tips are…

1. Ginger is present in almost all Indian households. It is always put in curries. Ginger is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the problem of indigestion is reduced. For that, 2 teaspoons of ginger juice should be consumed after meals. Or take water in a vessel and boil a small piece of ginger in it. Then drink that water. Doing this after eating will prevent indigestion. The food eaten is properly digested. Consuming ginger juice regularly in the morning can also get rid of indigestion.

2.Compounds called fencone and estradiol present in anise seeds prevent the formation of gas in the digestive tract. It also improves the digestive process. Due to this, the problem of indigestion is reduced. Consuming fennel seeds after meals can help you get rid of indigestion. Or making tea with anise seeds and drinking it will get relief from this problem.

3. Enzymes present in the stomach improve the digestive process. After eating, mix 2 teaspoons of vama with a little salt and grind it well and eat that mixture. After that drink a glass of water. Doing this 2 times a day will give results. Gas is also not formed.

4. Cereals have anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to this, digestive problems like gas and indigestion are reduced. A compound called urandrol present in the grains flushes out the wastes in the liver. With this, the food eaten is properly digested. Appetite increases. Boil a glass of water in a vessel and add a pinch of coriander powder to it and mix well and consume the mixture. By doing this, you can get rid of the problem of indigestion.

5.Amla is rich in anti-bacterial, aphrodisiac, diuretic, laxative, carminative, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. Hence they work wonders for many health problems. In this order, they also reduce problems like indigestion, gas and acidity. Drink 2 teaspoons amla juice after meals. Or eat a large amla. This does not cause indigestion.

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