Amazing tips to reduce acne..!

by - Thursday, January 05, 2023

 Nowadays not only women but also men get acne due to many hormonal changes and other reasons. Many people are suffering from the problem of acne. But acne can be reduced very quickly and easily with many materials available in our home. 

Disclaimer: As per internet search not recommanded only sugggestions.

  •  Before going to bed at night, wash your face well and apply toothpaste on the pimples. Wash off the paste in the morning. By doing this, pimples will reduce quickly.

  •  Boil the water well and apply the steam on the face. Afterwards, wash the face with lukewarm water. If you do this daily.. acne will reduce quickly.

  • Apply the white of eggs on the pimples and keep it for some time and then wash the nail with warm water. If you do this 3 times a day for a few days, the pimples will disappear.
  • Apply ginger juice on the pimples and wash it off after some time. Doing this regularly can reduce acne breakouts.

  •  Wrap the ice cubes in a clean cloth and apply it on the pimples. If you do this daily, you can get rid of acne problem.
  •  Before going to bed at night wash the face well and apply talcum powder on the pimples. Wash your face with lukewarm water in the morning. This will reduce acne quickly.
Disclaimer: As per internet search not recommanded only sugggestions.

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