If you drink fenugreek water.. health problems will go away..!

by - Friday, January 06, 2023

 Indians have been using fenugreek as one of their culinary staples since ancient times. Fenugreek is often added to curries and greens in dry form. But fenugreek has health benefits for us. Drinking fenugreek water gives us relief from many health problems.

  •  Take 2 glasses of water in a vessel and add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek in it and boil it well. When the color of the fenugreek completely changes and the water turns that color, collect the mixture and drink it while the goru is still warm. This reduces constipation.

  • Drinking water prepared with fenugreek reduces the cholesterol levels in the blood. It is very beneficial for people with kidney problems to drink this.
  •  Fenugreek is a divine medicine for type 2 diabetes. So if they drink this water they can control the sugar levels. Diabetes does not hurt with this.

  •  To prevent heart and lung problems... to get rid of those diseases... you have to drink fenugreek water at least 3 to 4 times in a week.

Disclaimer : Only suggestions not recommanded.

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