Is it good to eat cashews regularly? What are the benefits?

by - Wednesday, January 04, 2023

        Cashews are one of the many types of nuts available for us to eat. In fact, everyone talks a lot about almonds but no one talks about cashews. But cashews also contain a lot of nutrients that our body needs. Like other nuts, cashews are abundant in us. 

        Indians have been putting it in the form of a paste in various curries for a long time. This gives the curries a nice taste. And some eat cashew nuts fried in ghee. Also, some people fry it and eat it with salt and pepper. However.. no matter how we eat them.. 

       They provide us with amazing benefits. These are known as super healthy food. But no matter who eats these, they should be taken only in moderation. Otherwise there will be side effects. When it comes to the nutrients in cashews, we get 155 calories from 30 grams of cashews. It also provides 9.2 grams of carbohydrates, 5.1 grams of protein, small doses of vitamin E, B6, vitamin K10 and calcium. Cashew nuts are rich in zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and folic acid. Hence, they provide a variety of health benefits.

 1. For heart health:

   Cashews contain healthy fats that our body needs. With this, vitamins A, D, E and K dissolve in those fats. They reach our body. Also, this dal contains healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. We need these in minute doses. This reduces bad cholesterol in the body. It is very beneficial for people suffering from heart diseases and diabetes. Also those who do not have heart diseases will not get those diseases.

2. For anemia:

Regular consumption of cashew nuts can prevent blood related diseases. In particular, anemia does not occur. Iron deficiency in the body causes anemia. This also reduces copper. So to prevent this from happening.. you should eat cashews regularly. Copper is abundant in cashews. It prevents anemia. Other blood related diseases are prevented.

3. For eye health:

        Everyone knows that eating carrots improves eye health. But actually cashew is very useful for our eye health. Currently we are moving around in a highly polluted environment. Due to this, eye diseases are coming due to the burden on the eyes. But if you eat cashews regularly, the powerful antioxidant Zea xanthin in them forms a protective layer on the retina of the eye. This will protect the eyes. Especially the effect of ultraviolet (ultraviolet) rays coming from the sun does not fall on the eyes.

4. For skin care:

Cashew nut oil protects our skin. This oil is rich in zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Hence they protect the skin. It also prevents skin cancer.

5. Overweight

Cashews are high in is true..but..actually they do not increase weight like other foods..they reduce. Researchers are also saying the same. Because.. Cashew is related to the plant. Fat in animal products increases our weight. But plant-based foods contain healthy fats. So these reduce our weight. Cashews are rich in poly and monounsaturated fats and proteins. They lower cholesterol. Prevents accumulation of fat in the body. Also, the omega 3 fatty acids present in this pulse increase the metabolism. This can reduce excess weight quickly. But if you want to lose excess weight by eating cashews, you have to eat them directly. Do not fry. There should be no salt and pepper in it. Eating it directly will give you the benefits mentioned above.

6. For hair

Regular consumption of cashew nuts or direct use of cashew nut oil can protect hair. Copper is abundant in cashews. It produces more melanin, a pigment found in the skin and hair. This makes the hair grow black, thick and strong. becomes brighter.

Disclaimer: Only suggestions Not recommanded

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